7 Reasons to Join ProVantage
By: Amber Milder, Precision Ag Specialist
Have you heard of ProVantage, our precision ag data analysis program? Whether you are familiar with it or learning about it for the first time, check out how ProVantage can be a valuable tool for your operation.
1. Dedicated to Your Success.
There is nothing more important to us than helping you reach your goals in whatever ways we can. One of our favorite quotes is ‘If you can dream it, we can do it’ and that is exactly what we strive for. Our precision specialists go above and beyond variable rate recommendations and identifying productive zones. At the end of harvest, we are committed to identifying what worked, what didn’t and what needs to be implemented next year. Every year we are driven to deliver an optimal site-specific plan for ultimate profitability.
2. Tailored to YOU.
There is no cookie cutter approach to data analysis. We analyze your own data and tear it apart to help you get the answers that you are looking for. Whether you are the type of farmer that likes to try new things or if you tend to stick to the basics, we can put the numbers behind the management decisions that you choose. Remember this isn’t just random data; this is your fields, your numbers.
3. Reliable Network.
With an industry that’s constantly evolving, it’s hard to keep track of all the advancements. Our team is dedicated to being your resource but if we don’t have the immediate answer you are looking for, we will utilize our large network to find the perfect solution for you.
4. Your Data is Your Data.
Your data will always be yours and will always be confidential, 100% of the time.
5. Maximize Input Efficiency.
You know better than anyone else that every one of your acres does not perform the same, so why treat them like they do? By aligning seeding rates and fertilizer application to the various zones in your field, you can amplify your overall performance potential. How exact can we get you might ask? We can assign various rates down to a 60 by 60-foot area. The possibilities through this program are endless.
6. Know Where You Stand.
ProVantage is a great regional benchmarking tool. By joining ProVantage, you can compare how your fields are performing against the anonymous community data.
7. Every Acre Counts.
Regardless of the size of your operation, ProVantage makes sense; environmentally, economically and agronomically. Through our eyes, your fields are 60 by 60-foot squares of opportunity.
To learn more about ProVantage and to start making plans for the 2017 season, set up a meeting with Katie McWhirter and Amber Milder!