2024 Hybrid Seed Picks
Seed placement can be a challenging task for anyone to accomplish. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task if we have yield goals, field history and yield potential in mind. There are numerous ways to place hybrids, but I like to break a field down into three categories when determining hybrid placement. This method helps simplify the seed placement process.
Our first category focuses on the high productivity acres. This category can have a bigger ROI impact on your operation and is usually where we can find the highest yields. From a hybrid standpoint, we want to try and maximize our yield potential by planting an offensive or “racehorse” type of hybrid on these acres. A high productivity field can include the following: increased CSR2 ratings (83+), higher fertility levels and well-drained soils.
The second category includes variable or average acres. These acres are still productive but can have some issues like variable terrain and soil type, average fertility, or could have drainage issues. This category could describe most fields in a grower’s operation. For this category, a broad-acre placement hybrid is ideal – something that offers a mix of defensive and offensive traits, is adaptable to changing field conditions, and still delivers good yield results.
Finally, the last category describes tougher acres where soil types can vary significantly from light sandy soils to heavy clay sidehills. This could also include fields with rolling terrain, lower CSR2 ratings and lower fertility. Thanks to modern hybrid genetics there are solutions tailored to this environment. For these fields, we are looking for a hybrid with a strong root system to handle tough, root-limiting environments, stalk strength for harvest standability, and a good disease package (especially for areas with limited access to fungicide applications).
Here are some of my 2024 seed picks (in no particular order):
High Productivity Acres
AgriGold A641-85TRE
Brevant B09Z08AM
Dekalb DKC62-89TRE
Average or Variable Acres
AgriGold A644-19 3220EZ
Brevant B12C01AM
Dekalb DKC65-95RIB
Tough Acres
AgriGold A643-52VT2
Brevant B13K20AM
Dekalb DKC63-57RIB
Interested in learning more about these 2024 seed picks? Our agronomy team is here to help!