January STRIVEr: Tanner Stutsman
The peer-nominated Stutsman STRIVEr program celebrates the employees who embrace the core values and truly serve fellow employees, customers, and community members for success. When nasty winter weather started to roll in, our January STRIVEr took the lead to ensure customers were taken care of while fellow employees could head home before road conditions worsened. Learn more about how Tanner Stutsman exceeded expectations to receive January STRIVEr honors below:
When a snow/ice storm started moving in one afternoon, many employees were released to go home before the roads became too bad. Tanner was asked to cover the feed counter; he gladly took the lead. Not only was Tanner happy to help the customers that came in but he represented all of the core values while doing so. We could have easily closed up shop early due to weather conditions but Tanner stayed behind to serve our customers for success. He is a great example of the core values!
Values Represented:
Set the Bar Higher, Take the Lead, Radiate Enthusiasm, Instill Authenticity, Value Collaboration, and Exceed Expectations
Have a great experience with a Stutsman employee? Nominate them below or leave a message at 319.679.7250!
Stutsman Core Values
Set the Bar Higher
The agriculture industry’s core foundation is based on innovation and adaptation. In order to stay at the forefront of the industry and continue to grow as a company, it is imperative that we remain open to new ideas, concepts, and methods with optimism. By being proactive and challenging the status quo, we can continue to move the standard in the right direction.
Take the Lead
No matter the task, no matter the position, we have an attitude of ownership and a sense of initiative. The ability to make decisions with the company’s well-being in mind, as well as having the accountability to follow through with getting the job done, are traits conducive to success. Taking the lead includes questioning actions that are not consistent with our mission and values.
Radiate Enthusiasm
Attitudes are extremely contagious, so it is crucial we have ones worthy of catching. By being a “carrier” for optimism and enthusiasm we create an enjoyable and rewarding atmosphere.
Instill Authenticity
Being authentic is not just about being true to ourselves but upholding integrity in every aspect of life. Being honest, doing the right thing, and holding ourselves accountable in all that we say and do are true measures of a genuine person and company.
Value Collaboration
Maximizing teamwork and communication across the entire company is essential to overall success. By keeping our communication open and honest while breaking down internal barriers, we can foster unity, understanding, and overall productivity. After all, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” -Henry Ford.
Exceed Expectations
In 1934 Eldon Stutsman made service the cornerstone of the company, and after all this time, exceptional service still defines who we are. Whether it’s our co-workers, our vendors, or especially our customers, we are driven to exceed their expectations.