December STRIVErs: Jacob DeLay, Adam Grove, Chandler Reid, Garrett Sexton, Logan Stutsman, John Yoder, Nick Smith
When a pipe burst and created an enormous puddle in the retail center over the holiday weekend, it made for a not fun first day back. But Jacob DeLay was quick to act, calling in Logan Stutsman, Nick Smith, John Yoder, Garrett Sexton, Chandler Reid and Adam Grove to help take care of the colossal mess. From taking the lead to valuing collaboration this group went to work and got the water cleaned up which earned them the December STRIVEr honor.
“Sometime over the Christmas weekend, the extreme cold temperatures from the blizzard caused the water line to the ice machine to freeze and break causing water to flow onto the retail center floor. It flowed until Jacob DeLay noticed it at 3 a.m. on Tuesday when he came in to push snow. Jacob saw water everywhere and investigated to find the pipe had burst. He shut off the water then made phone calls to Logan Stutsman, Nick Smith, John Yoder and Garrett Sexton to help with the cleanup process. He also called Adam Grove and Chandler Reid to help cover snow removal.
With no drains in the showroom floor, this was going to be an immense undertaking with water stretching from the receptionist desk to the north parts room wall and the west offices to the east wall. Many items in the parts room needed to be moved to a different area so they could get some of the water. They used two floor machines, squeegees, a wet vac, mops and buckets to remove the water. These guys made countless trips to the drain to empty water and retrieved fans from many different places. There was still some additional work to be done after people began showing up, but for the most part, the showroom and parts rooms were up and running as normal by 7 a.m.!”
Values Represented
Set the Bar Higher | Take the Lead | Radiate Enthusiasm | Instill Authenticity | Value Collaboration | Exceed Expectations
Other December Nominees
Mike Bowlin | Feed Ingredients
Pat Mougin | Operations
What is the STRIVEr program?
The Stutsman STRIVEr program is about celebrating the employees who epitomize our core values in the mission to serve customers, fellow employees and the community for success. Although most nominations come from fellow employees, we love when customers have a success story to share as well!
Have you seen a Stutsman employee value collaboration like our December STRIVErs? Nominate them for STRIVEr of the Month here.